Icon Pusher


Hello icon pack artists/creators

I felt happy enough with the current state of the beta version of IconPusher v2.0 so I've put it live.

There are still a few pieces left to polish off, but nothing which couldn't be done once the rest of the changes were live

This page will now act as a changelog for both the site (), and the app ()

All feedback is welcome: feedback@iconpusher.com

Issues I'm aware of:

  • Option to clear selection
  • Responsive design is incomplete
  • General styling
  • Save app selection on reload
  • Light to dark theme fade on reload
  • Apps with the same name will probably conflict/overwrite in zip download
  • There are a number of broken icons for the latest versions of apps. Issue has been fixed, but might have to roll the broken version numbers back
  • Error feedback
  • Uploading a new version of an existing app may error

Upcoming features:

  • App icon versions
  • Pagination
  • Popular apps
  • Feedback form instead of email
  • Dark mode
  • Search filter
  • Refresh list

Nice ideas

  • Detecting new/updated apps
  • Showcase of icon packs

Change log:

  • v2.0.2 (2024-08-10)
    Added donation page
  • v2.0.1 (2024-07-26)
    Fixed upload issue which caused icons not displaying due to naming inconsistency
  • v2.0 🥳 (2024-07-21)
    Fixed encoding issues
    Added latest version updates to homepage
    Fixed version numbers containing ‘/’ breaking icons (lookin' at you MS teams!)
    Fixed an issue where updates weren't uploaded correctly
  • v2.0 pre-5 (2024-05-16)
    Added device app list
    Added new page to view all selected apps
    Added the logo
  • v2.0 pre-4 (2024-05-07)
    Added feedback to copy buttons
    Fixed copy buttons not working
    Styled ‘More Results’ button
    Sync with live version is now automated
    Fixed some broken icons
  • v2.0 pre-3 (2024-01-19)
    Fixed - Some responsive styling
  • v2.0 pre-2 (2024-01-01)
    Fixed - Some app icons are broken
    Update - Attempted to fix latest icons not appearing
  • v2.0-pre-1 (2023-12-22)
    The initial version featuring mutliple app selection & download as zip